In this video, I share the importance of being yourself to attract your ideal clients and share a fear I just got over to help illustrate the point.

What scary thing are you going to do for your business today?

For more information on developing your mindset for success, check out my book, Know Yourself. Learn a step-by-step process for silencing your inner critic. Full-sized worksheets available:


[VIDEO] Be Yourself to Attract Your Ideal Clients

2 thoughts on “[VIDEO] Be Yourself to Attract Your Ideal Clients

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    Hello Ms. Jackson. My name is Steven. Thank you for your informative commented encouragement address towards being catalyst facilitator of real change in my life. The motivation I received from you was helpful never allowing obstacles to sidetrack the visionary impetus in pursuit of beneficial implementation prospectus towards uplifting ideals for other individuals. I feel and realize change comes from healthy perspectives within ones heart condition and a determined resiliency as integrity keeper focused on empowered mindful workspaces. I saw a photograph of a man that inspired me as a youngster. Mesmerized by his a figurative television character role as cape crusader and defender for the defenseless in this dramatic TV series. His performance empowered others and captivated audiences leading to their own spin off television miniseries. The Green Hornet featuring this new and upcoming iconic figure in the Asian American community. His name is Bruce Lee. Some people might not be aware but Bruce inspired many within our communities in the place of my birthplace Harlem NYC. He was the first accomplished Asian movie star, a philosopher, entrepreneur likened to ourselves, humanitarian but most importantly a philanthropist for all especially the vulnerable within our blessed communities. My objectives are centered on the same principles that he envisioned. One of empowerment for the marginalized people’s within the framework of our societies. My theorem and solutions too life’s problematic circumstances stems from a lack of education towards mindfulness. Lack of education spurs space’s of ignorance in turn produces biases that are disruptive to the unanimity we all can share as members belonging to a universal family of God fearing children. I feel media platforms can be real facilitators and a catalyst towards instructing young and adults alike of the past occurrences than correlating these experiences to the present climate situational concerns that plague our communities. If we don’t take a conscientious look backwards we’re deemed repeating these conditions again. We need public speaking discourses that address the issues incorporating the examples of iconic figures from a broad spectrum that encapsulate over sports, music and movie genres. This will give us a unique perspective on life and a real determined viewpoint on unravelling the inequities that face all segments of society. Interactive learning towards audience participation is the way you create collaborative work efforts towards concrete effective change on the mindsets and hearts of those audience participants. The backbone will use these media platforms centered on the precepts on bible laws and principles as a catalyst for realistic modification on human hearts. Although we have the beauty and uniqueness of differences we all share the commonality attribute that our Eternal Father possesses and the propensity capacity of exemplifying that being love of neighbor. One philosophy quote by this iconic figure I mentioned earlier stated ” Real living. Is living a life centered on living a life centered for others.” This is lamented also in the bible at 1 Corinthians 10:23, 24. Always focus your energies and efforts on the advantages and perspectives of the other person. Not only on your own interest objectives on life but that of the other person or individuals. Just food for thought. This is a shared envisioned model objective in life. In fact there’s more gratification one receives when offering assistance in word or deed for another sister brother in need. Remember we’re all interconnected and conjoined as family members in God’s minds eye. So if we share the same visionary objectives likened to myself and partner. I would welcome the opportunity to share my insightful business strategies with your team of members so we can empower the partnered special woman I love and adore in my life. Also the blessed communities of members I serve as developer contributor. These proposed objectives for this startup business venture initiatives of successful sustainable economic development outcome within our communities will provide strategic stability. So empowerment is the key attribute for stabilization especially for those whose talents are overlooked. They will be on the forefront and catalyst in spearheading and maintaining the visionary perspectives for the communities of colorless landscapes. I will select woman of color from the whole diaspora. My life love partner and the nine other woman will be delegated the responsibilities as unprecedented CEO roles in equivalent leadership duties. Another biblical book by the Psalmist states ” From a multitude of counsellors there’s successful outcomes ” I’ll serve as a developer until strategies are effectively implemented serving as a associated consultant contributor when problematic circumstances arise if necessary in the foreseeable future after implementation. I can be reached at a time convenient within your daily scope of responsibilities. I’ll attach my cellular phone number with this transmittal. Please have a blessed day.

    • at

      Hi Steven! Thank you for your comment. I’m happy the video inspired you, and I wish you well in the business you described. You’re welcome to use the contact form or book a session if you’d like to discuss further. Have a great day!


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